Resources for Students, Faculty & Staff

Have a look at our collection of useful resources for students, alumni, faculty and staff at the Department of Statistical Sciences.

Current Students

Computing Resources


Student Organizations


Academic & Student Life Support

  • For advice on academic, personal, financial, family or career issues, petitions regarding rules, final exams, and extensions beyond term, referrals to specialized student services and follow-up on academic implications: your College Registrar's Office 

  • For overall help with developing the skills that you need for academic success, from time management and study skills to managing the stresses of living away from home: the Academic Success Centre 

  • For help developing your writing skills, including individualized and group appointments for all disciplines: your College Writing Centre 

General Resources


Graduate Students Resources


Teaching Assistants

Course Outlines


Student Organizations


The forms below are relvant to actuarial science undergraduate students. If you are a graduate student, please visit our graduate student forms page.


Professional Actuarial Associations


Actuarial Student Organizations

ASNA is a Canadian university student actuarial association that has many of Canada’s university actuarial programs as affiliates.


New College Statistics Aid Center Online Office Hours

Location: Wetmore Hall, New College, Room WE 64.

The New College Statistics Aid Centre provides general help to all students taking a course in statistics or actuarial science. If you are looking for more help, or one of your courses does not provide TA office hours, this is the place to go. 
Check out session hours. Note: New College does not have summer hours.

General Resources


Statistics Student Organizations


New College Statistics Aid Center Online Office Hours

Location: Wetmore Hall, New College, Room WE 64.  

The New College Statistics Aid Centre provides general help to all students taking a course in statistics or actuarial science. If you are looking for more help, or one of your courses does not provide TA office hours, this is the place to go. 
Check out session hours. Note: New College does not have summer hours.

Prospective Students


For mentorship programs outside of the Department of Statistical Sciences please visit the Student Life Mentorship and Peer Programs website.
For mentorship programs outside of the Department of Statistical Sciences please visit the Student Life Mentorship and Peer Programs website.

Internal Resources

Computing Resources