CUPE Positions (Unit 1)

Assistant Invigilators 

Assistant Invigilators at the University of Toronto, Department of Statistical Sciences are responsible for the general assistance in the delivery of examinations for some undergraduate and graduate courses for the Fall, Winter, and Summer sessions.

Applications for assistant invigilator positions are collected in: 

  • September for Fall/Winter positions 

  • May for Summer positions 

In order to apply to become an assistant invigilator please complete this application package: 

  • Please complete the application form.
  • Please include your curriculum vitae/resume in your application.
  • Please include your timetable in your application.

Send your completed application package to Angela Niazmand with the title “Assistant Invigilator Application Package”: 

Angela Niazmand
Department of Statistical Sciences 
700 University Avenue, Room 9160-6
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1Z5

We will shortly share a handbook, outlining duties of an assistant invigilator in detail. Check back soon.

There are currently no available positions. 

Any positions posted here have also been posted to the CUPE3902 Unit 1 website.


Course Instructors

Course Instructors at the University of Toronto, Department of Statistical Sciences are responsible for, but not limited to, the teaching, setting and invigilation of term tests and final examinations, reporting of final grades, counseling of students, and supervising of teaching assistant(s) of undergraduate courses for the fall, winter, and summer sessions.

In order to apply for course instructor positions, please complete this application package:

  • Please add your curriculum vitae/resume to your application, including previous teaching evaluations (if applicable).
  • Please include your cover letter in your application.
  • Please include two references in your application.

Send your completed application package to Angela Niazmand with the title “Course Instructor Application Package - [Course Code of the Course you are applying for]”:

Angela Niazmand
Department of Statistical Sciences 
700 University Avenue, Room 9160-6
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1Z5

For more information about the duties of a course instructor, the Department of Statistical Sciences has an Instructor Handbook. Unfortunately, the Instructor Handbook is currently not available for download, but you may contact to be emailed a copy for your personal use.

There are currently no available positions. 

Any positions posted here have also been posted to the CUPE3902 Unit 1 website.


Teaching Assistants 

Teaching Assistants at the U of T Department of Statistical Sciences are responsible for, but not limited to, the grading of term tests, invigilation of term tests and final exams, grading of homework and/or quizzes, and setting of tutorial quizzes of undergraduate and graduate courses for the fall, winter, and summer sessions.

Please follow the procedure indicated below:

  1. Visit our website to view the postings available.
  2. Sign into the Online TA Application Portal using your UTORid and password.
  3. Once you are logged into the Application Portal, you will have the ability to update your profile information by navigating to My Profile under the top bar menu. This information will include your contact information, program information, CV/resume, current status, and some additional information. All information must be filled in.
  4. After you update your profile information, you can visit Available Rounds to apply for any open positions. Here, your profile information will automatically populate the application. You will need to indicate the courses for which you are applying under Course Preferences.

**Note: For some courses, you may be expected to attend lectures. Please refer to the U of T Faculty of Arts and Science Timetable for information on course meeting sections for Fall/Winter and Summer courses.

Angela Niazmand 
Department of Statistical Sciences 
700 University Avenue, Room 9160-6
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1Z5



For more information about the duties of a teaching assistant, the Department of Statistical Sciences has a TA Handbook. Unfortunately, the TA Handbook is currently not available for download, but you may contact to be emailed a copy for your personal use.

Current Teaching Assistant (TA) Job Posting.

Course Code Session Section Title
Florence Nightingale Day S N/A Florence Nightingale Day – Special TA


Any positions posted here have also been posted to the CUPE3902 Unit 1 website.