Silvana Pesenti, Gwen Eadie, and Leonard Wong have been recognized with the Connaught New Research Award this year. Among the 56 recipients of the award this year, they will share $1 million in funding to represent their research projects undertaken at the U of T.
Established in 1972, the Connaught Fund is the largest internal university research fund in Canada. The annual awards recognize new tenure-stream faculty members at the assistant professor level and are provided to help them pursue strong research programs and increase faculty member’s competitiveness for external funding.
“I’m personally looking forward to seeing where this exceptional group of investigators takes their work in the years to come,” said Ted Sargent, U of T’s vice-president, research and innovation, and strategic initiatives.
U of T Department of Statistical Sciences
- Gwendolyn Eadie, assistant professor, David A. Dunlap department of astronomy and astrophysics and statistical sciences, for research using astrostatistics to study the dark matter content of the Milky Way Galaxy and ultra-diffuse galaxies.
- Silvana Pesenti, assistant professor, department of statistical sciences, for research in quantifying dependence uncertainty in insurance risk management.
- Ting-Kam Leonard Wong, assistant professor, department of computer and mathematical sciences (UTSC), for his work in statistical methodologies motivated by optimal transport and information geometry.