3rd annual TD Data Hackathon - "The Rise of Data"

When and Where

Friday, February 28, 2020 4:30 pm to Sunday, March 01, 2020 4:00 pm
662 King St. W.


TD Bank, the Rotman School of Management's FinHub and TDMDAL are proud to present the 3rd annual TD Data Hackathon - "The Rise of Data". This year, the event is open to UofT students from all departments and programs, and it will present students with the opportunity to apply their business and data analytics skills to a real business problem identified by TD Bank. The problem statement for the 3rd annual TD Data Hackathon is Can you predict the net change in the firm's stock price on the day after a quarterly earnings call?  The output from the hackathon has the potential to inform the investor relations and corporate communications team at TD on the appropriate content and tone of the bank's quarterly earnings call.

Hackathon Format
Teams will be composed of approximately 5 participants - teams will be composed of a balance of students from Rotman and other faculties at UofT including engineering, computer science, math etc... The maximum number of student participants is 100. 

Event dates: February 28, 29 and March 1, 2020
                      Friday 5:00pm-late (doors open 4:30pm), Saturday all day & Sunday until 4pm
Location:      DevHub, 662 King St. W., Toronto (King & Bathurst) [TBC]

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and snacks will be provided.

Prizes for the winning teams.

This registration survey is designed to get an understanding of your business background and data management and analytics skills. Please answer all questions as best you can: for group submissions, please choose the answer that best reflects the level of knowledge in your group. Your answers will help us determine whether you qualify for this event and they will help us put together teams with complementary skills.

Registration Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2020, at 5 pm

Participation Guidelines & Requirements:
- Participants are required to be present on all three days of the Data Hackathon.
- Students may apply individually or as a group (maximal group size: three).
- We will notify successful candidates/teams by February 21, 2020
- All registrants must provide their UofT student ID at signup.



662 King St. W.