Request or Update Your Profile

Request or Update Your Profile

Please enter your first and last name.
Please choose your option before you fill out the rest of the form, as your choice will impact which fields you need to fill out.
Please choose your option before you fill out the rest of the form, as your choice will impact which fields you need to fill out.
Professor, Assistant Professor, Limited Term, Financial Officer, Graduate Administrator, etc.
50 - 80 words each. Here is a good example:
Please add a short bio (50 - 80 words) if you like.
Statistical inference, Mathematical statistics, deep learning, etc.
Pick all locations you are active at.
Enter the title, name and date of administrative service postings such as chairships, committee memberships, council service, administrative roles, etc. e.g., Chair, Social Sciences Graduate Students' Association, 2015-present. Leave blank if none apply.
Select all that apply.
Enter a concise description of the services you provide or your areas of expertise, e.g. program requirements, administrative support for grad students, etc.
The year you started your PhD degree, e.g. if you started studying in fall 2018, you are "Cohort 2018".
Enter the title, event, location and date of presentations (if known). E.g., Enslaved Histories in Latin America, 16th Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Brussels, Belgium, May 22 – 25, 2014. Presentations include conference papers, workshops, lectures, readings, etc.
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