Recommended Pathways for Specialist Students that wish to Graduate in 4 years with an Internship

Sample Pathway – Scenario 1: work term is in the winter of 3rd year

(1) Complete all required first and second year courses by the end of the second year.
(2) Fall of 3rd year: ACT348, STA302, ACT350, 0.5FCE from list 1 or 2 (potential courses: ACT349, ACT371), and the new PE course.
(3) Winter of 3rd year: work term.
(4)Summer of 3rd year: ACT370 and STA314. To avoid a summer term, students can also take ACT370 in the winter of their fourth year and take STA314 in the fall of their fourth year.
(5) In the 4th year: ACT451 in the Fall (note this course can be taken in the fall of the third year, if they so choose) and ACT452 in the Winter. Students will then take 1.5FCE from list 1 or 2 in either fall or winter of the fourth year to complete the program.

Scenario 2: work term is in the summer of 3rd year

In this scenario, there is no interruption of course work compared to the existing calendar. Do your regular course planning.

Sample Pathway – Scenario 3: work term is in the Fall of 4th year

(1) Complete all required first and second year courses by the end of the second year.
(2) Fall of 3rd year: ACT348, ACT451, STA302, ACT350, and the new PE course.
(3) Winter of 3rd year:ACT370, ACT452, 0.5FCE from list 1 or 2 (potential courses: ACT466, ACT470, ACT473, ACT475).
(4) Summer of 3rd year: STA314, and make up for any other courses as needed.
(5) Fall of 4th year: work term
(5) Winter of 4th year: 1.5FCE from list 1 or 2 to complete the program requirements (potential courses: ACT455, ACT466, STA457, ACT470, ACT473, ACT475, STA414).

Sample Pathway – Scenario 4: work term is in the Winter of 4th year

(1) Complete all required first and second year courses by the end of the second year.
(2) Fall of the third year: ACT348, ACT451, STA302, ACT350, and the new PE course.
(3) Winter of the third year: ACT370, ACT452, 0.5FCE from list 1 or 2 (potential courses: ACT466, ACT470, ACT473, ACT475).
(4) Summer of the third year: STA314, and make up for courses as needed.
(5) Fall of the fourth year: 1.5FCE from list 1 or 2 to complete the program course requirements (potential courses: ACT349, ACT371, ACT460, STA457).
(6) Winter of the fourth year: work term.


Scenario 5 – Enter the PE course in your 4th year

If you enter the PE course in your fourth year, you may risk delaying graduation. 
It is still possible for you to graduate in four years, if you have completed the set of higher year mandatory courses (3.5FCE) in year 3 (as shown in scenario 3 and 4 above).
You can then complete the 2FCE from list 1 and 2 (potential courses: ACT349, ACT371, ACT460, STA457, STA414) and PE course in the Fall of year 4. You will do an internship in the Winter of year 4, or you can complete your course requirements in Fall and Winter of year 4, and do an internship in the summer of Year 4.